What Are the Different Types of Hybrid and EV Batteries?

What Are the Different Types of Hybrid and EV Batteries?

Blog Article

When one says that electric vehicles are the future of travel, he or she is damn right in making this statement. Nobody is unaware of the fact that conventional fuels are exhaustible and plus the emission coming out of the vehicles driven by conventional fuels is literally thrashing the environment big time.

The introduction of EVs has to quite an extent solved the problem of emissions, and since they are driven on electricity, there is no use of conventional fuels. So, this will ensure a sustainable development to take place, and the people will be able to use the fossil fuels for a long time.

In this blog, we will focus on the different kind of batteries used in electric and hybrid cars. Come, let’s have a look.

Lithium-ion Batteries 

Lithium-ion batteries were initially used in consumer electronics. As a result of their high energy density and long-life cycle, these batteries are used in both hybrid and electric vehicles.

The power-to-weight ratio, energy efficiency, high-temperature performance, and low self-discharge make them the finest choice for electric vehicles. In the current scenario, most EVs and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles run on lithium-ion batteries.

Lead-Acid Batteries 

Lead acid batteries are the most traditional and economical variants of the electric vehicle battery. These batteries are generally considered safe to use, dependable, and will not dig holes in your pocket for sure. But as they say that everything in this world also has a flip side to it.

So, the things or the features that does not go in favor of these variants are poor performance in cold temperature and low specific energy.

Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries 

These variants are generally used in medical and computer equipment due to their specific energy and power capabilities. Nickel-metal hydride batteries have all the potential to last longer, when they are equated in comparison of to lead-acid batteries and are also much safer than the lead-acid variant of hybrid and EV battery.

This is the main reason why nickel-metal hydride batteries are the preferred option in hybrid electric vehicles. Though, nickel-metal hydride batteries are much costlier than its counterparts, they drain rather quickly, and generates excessive amount of heat.


In ultracapacitors, energy is stowed in a polarized liquid among electrolyte and electrode. In addition, ultracapacitors, all through hastening, provide vehicles with additional power. They correspondingly work as a source of secondary energy-storage in electric vehicles.

Lithium-ion Batteries Are Hot Favorite of People

Lithium-ion batteries are the hot favorite of the people all over the world. On an average 9 out of 10 people prefer this variant for their electric vehicles. The rapid introduction of plug-in hybrid vehicles has worked well for the increasing demand of Li-ion batteries.

In the changing times, when the people are more aware of their responsibility toward the environment, the number of hybrid and electric vehicles has increased, and so the demand for hybrid and EV market will reach $436,112.7 million by 2030.

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